Tucson International Airport
Baggage Handling Systems and Bomb Detection
Transportation Security Administration TSA
Tucson Airport Authority TAA
Turner Construction/Turner Aviation for Arizona
Turner Aviation for Arizona awarded The Fina Companies the construction contract for the Tucson International Airport and diligently worked in concert with Fina Companies around the clock to complete the construction of the 4.6-million-dollar bomb-proof screening rooms, Boeing-Seimans conveyer systems, and various ceiling upgrades finishing days before the deadline.
This extraordinary accomplishment afforded extra time for Boeing-Seimans, Turner Construction, and Transportation Security Administration or TSA to install the complex machines, train the hundreds of newly hired TSA employees, and test the Handling and detections systems more thoroughly.

“It is one of the few times in my twenty years with Turner Construction, that a company never had excuses pointed fingers or reasons why they couldn’t keep the schedule”
Larry M. Dukeman
Sr Project Manager
Director Turner Aviation for Arizona
Read the full letter of recommendation here